Preliminary OptFORESTS policy gap analysis presented at the 5th International Forestry Policy Meeting

The OptFORESTS project was present at the 5th International Forest Policy Meeting (IFPM), a biannual event that aims to explore forestry and…

EUFORGEN Webinar – Mediterranean stone pines under attack: the invasion of the pine tortoise scale

The event will take place on 2 May 2024, from 14:00 to 16:00 CEST. Register now for the webinar here.

OptFORESTS builds a promising cooperation with the new FRUITDIV project

A new Horizon Europe project, FRUITDIV, which stands for ‘Exploiting the untapped potential of fruit tree wild diversity for sustainable agriculture’…

Post-doctoral position in functional and evolutionary ecology at INRAE

The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) is offering a two-year post-doc position in functional and…

OptFORESTS annual meeting in Bordeaux: progress on track and looking ahead to the future

Around 60 OptFORESTS project partners, as well as representatives of the European Commission and two members of the Scientific Advisory Board (Lucian…

FOREGEN Workshop: discussing natural regeneration effectiveness to restore European forests

The cornerstone of the EU's green policies is reforestation. Thus, planting 3 billion more trees in the EU by 2030 is the goal of the new EU Forest…

New research on the genetic diversity of maritime pine and its adaptive potential to changing environments

Two new publications explore the environmental factors that create and maintain genetic diversity within populations of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster…

Exploring the European policy landscape for Forest Genetic Resources and Forest Reproductive Material within OptFORESTS

We are thrilled to share the exciting highlights from a recent IUFRO conference held in Slovenia, where OptFORESTS made a notable appearance,…

Multilevel biodiversity for resilient forests in the face of climate change

The EU-funded project OptFORESTS produces a scientific basis for the deployment of adaptable and diversified forest reproductive material for…

Mediterranean conifers found to be resistant to drought due to their genes

Knowledge of the genetic basis of drought resilience could be key in the design of management and conservation strategies for these threatened…